Moving to DreamHost

After nine years with Pair, I’m moving to DreamHost.

Their sale (ending April 24) was too good to pass up. Over 7 GB of on-line storage for $16/month! I can put my Gallery photo albums there.

This is all necessary because I’m dropping my T1 from Savvis this summer when the contract expires. When I started it, Comcast had just shown up in Concord, and couldn’t give me the service I needed. There are many more alternatives now, and I can’t justify keeping a T1 and paying 10x Comcast’s fee.

Over the next few months, I’ll be migrating my web sites and those I manage to DreamHost. I’ve spent the last few days exploring it, and am quite satisfied with what I found. They have a much better “control panel” than Pair, and their policies are very flexible. Since they’ve been around since 1997, I hope that means they’re stable. The reviews I’ve found on the ‘net are quite good.



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