Category: Family

  • Photos of Arizona and Nevada

    Sara and I took a vacation to Nevada and Arizona in April. I went to the NAB conference for the first week, then we went touring. Here are some Flickr sets of photos that (mostly) I took. Antelope Canyon (the picture above) Valley of Fire Sedona Lake Powell Grand Canyon Colorado River Rafting

  • Schooners in the Sun

    Schooners in the Sun This is my favorite picture from our recent vacation in Camden, Maine. Here’sthe rest of the pictures that Sara and I took.

  • Genealogy change

    Because of the difficulty of installing the genealogy software that I was using, I’ve switched to TribalPages for my family tree.

  • Our Yosemite Vacation

    We visited Yosemite National Park this spring. The park had been flooded and closed until a few weeks before our arrival because of recent rains and Spring runoff, so the waterfalls were awesome!

  • My family genealogy

    I’ve added a new section, which is a link to a GeneWeb database of my family tree. This family tree contains 7885 people, stretching back to 1598, with Edward Jewett of England. It was previously available by invitation only.