Welcome to Stoney’s Zone
Safari 3.1 in, Pith Helmet Out
I realized too late (again) that updating Safari causes Pith Helmet to refuse to load. I wonder if there’s a surge in ad impressions between the time that Safari updates and Pith Helmet updates to match? Fortunately, bumping Pith Helmet’s MaxBundleVersion to 5525 lets it load, and so far I haven’t seen any problems. I…
Hostile to Vista, maybe
Incredible pun found in a message from Gary Stark, about Vista not coping with IPV6 addresses in some cases.
Why I have a UPS
We lost power today. I don’t know why, but the whole neighborhood blacked out at 6:57 am. Fortunately, I was getting up at 7 am to sing in the choir at the early service. Unfortunately, we use whole-bean coffee, and had no ground coffee on-hand. After thinking about Dunkin Donuts for a few minutes, I…
The Ghost in the Remote
I’ve been puzzled lately about why my iPod is already playing when I plug it into my car stereo. Yesterday, it dawned on me that I’ve started using my Apple Remote to run iTunes on my new iMac.
Getting Real
I just finished Getting Real, a book by 37signals. I bought the PDF version, but it’s available online for free as well.
Software Is Hard
Kyle Wilson’s description of Chandler’s development, taken from Dreaming in Code, immediately reminded me of my experience with On Technology. Not that it was also a Mitch Kapor company, but that it was a similar bunch of very smart programmers without any business constraints, trying to build a utopian system. The result was predictable. I…
Your Father’s Parentheses
The Concord Women’s Chorus
Sara (my wife) mentioned that the Concord Women’s Chorus web site isn’t listed by Google. The CWC (formerly the Concord Madrigals) is a top-notch choral group. They have performances in the Spring and in December. I’ve created their graphics (poster, tickets, etc.) and recorded them since 1994.
Photos of Arizona and Nevada
Sara and I took a vacation to Nevada and Arizona in April. I went to the NAB conference for the first week, then we went touring. Here are some Flickr sets of photos that (mostly) I took. Antelope Canyon (the picture above) Valley of Fire Sedona Lake Powell Grand Canyon Colorado River Rafting
Fortune Cookie of Auto-Stereotyping